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Monographs and collective works

"Ojczyzna" (1939-1945). Dokumenty i wspomnienia

Zbigniew Mazur, Aleksandra Pietrowicz (ed.)
"Ojczyzna" (1939-1945). Dokumenty i wspomnienia
(Homeland (1939-1945). Documents and memories.)
In the series: The history of the Institute for Western Affairs Poznań 2003, ISBN 83-87688-44-4, approximately 350 pages, in preparation.
cena: nakład wyczerpany

The publication contains a selection of documents and memories of members of the Homeland, an underground organization of freedom fighters set up in Poznań in late September 1939 on the initiative of Kirył Sosnowski, who subsequently became one of the founders of the Institute for Western Affairs, and Witold Grott, under the auspices of Rev. mitred prelate Józef Prądzyński. The organization's mission was to extend moral and financial support to residents of the Western Territories, establish relations with the Polish Government in exile and keep the Government up to date on local developments.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640