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International conference

Social Europe? Weimar Triangle  and the EU Labour Market

Institute for Western Affairs, Poznan, 7-8/12/2017



Website under construction. Names of conference participants bolded.

Social Europe and the European Labour Market

Marek Benio, Cross Border Labour Costs, Kraków: Cracow University of Economics, November 2016, 9 pp.

Jan Drahokoupil, Agnieszka Piasna, What drives wage gaps in Europe?, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, 2017, 27 pp.

Béla Galgóczi, Jan Drahokoupil (eds.), Condemned to be left behind? Can Central and Eastern Europe emerge from its low-wage model?, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, 2017, 210 pp.

Jan Drahokoupil, Pay And Social Protection In Platform Capitalism, “Social Europe”, 21.12.2016.

Daniel Schraad-Tischler, Christof Schiller, Sascha Matthias Heller, Nina Siemer, Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017. Social Inclusion Monitor Europe, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017, 180 pp.

Luca Visentini, We need a strong 'Social Pillar' to support working people, Social Europe, 16.11.2017 (European Trade Union Confederation will be represented at the conference by Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary at ETUC).

Posted Workers

Piotr Szumlewicz for Eksperci podzieleni ws. projektu unijnej dyrektywy o pracownikach delegowanych, 9.12.2016.

Piotr Szumlewicz, Równa płaca za tę samą pracę, „Dialog. Pismo dialogu społecznego”, 1/2016 (48), pp. 57-62.

Piotr Szumlewicz for PAP: Popieramy plan Komisji Europejskiej, 9.12.2016 [video].

Piotr Lisicki, Analiza: Europejski spór o delegowanie pracowników, Instytut Obywatelski, 27.04.2016.


The European Parliament, the European Council and the Commission, European Pillar of Social Rights. Proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, Brussels, 16.11.2017, 24. pp.

Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services.

Posting of workers: Council reaches agreement, 24.10.2017.

Weimar Triangle countries cooperation and challenges for the European Union

Patrick Edery, Pourquoi le couple Merkel-Macron sème la discorde en Europe centrale, „Le Figaro”, 25.08.2017.

Sylvie Matelly, Bastien Nivet, L’Europe peut-elle faire face à la mondialisation ?, IRIS, 08.12.2015 [video].

Sylvie Matelly, Elections en Allemagne : quel bilan économique pour Angela Merkel ?, IRIS, 14.09.2017.

Jean Pisani-Ferry, Germany's Dangerous Obsession, Project Syndicate, 9.11.2017.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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