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A new “Western Review” quarterly available

The new issue of "Western Review" (1/2011), entitled MEMORY ABOUT THE PAST, concerns the alterations in social memory.

Authors of the essays present a various types of memory, pay attention to different ways of memorizing the same events (especially by the Poles and the Germans), point on the diverse forms of commemoration of the events from the past and their functions.

Selected essays:
- Zbigniew Mazur, Neue Wache - German memory
- Anna Wolff-Powęska, German Democratic Republic towards the Nazi past
- Bartosz Korzeniewski, 8th/9th May 1945 in the memory of the Germans and the Poles
- Marceli Kosman, The battle of Grunwald - six centuries in the national memory.

Table of contents (in Polish) available here.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640