Invitation for the conference: 13th German-French Dialogue – We should keep thinking of Europe
13th German-French Dialogue - We should keep thinking of Europe
"Euro-crisis and nationalisms in Europe: is it the end of integration? Answers from Germany, France and Poland"
5th-6th May 2011 Europäischen Akademie, Otzenhausen
The project of European integration is at the crossroad. Euro-crisis endangered not only the financial and fiscal foundation of the EU, but has its effect on emphasizing national interests as well, even in those member states, which were previously treated as a guarantors of European integration. The voice of euro-sceptics and opponents of monetary union is now louder.
13th German-French Dialogue will underline different aspects of this difficult situation, but not only from the German and French points of view. The perspectives of the new member states will be also taken into consideration.
The role of Poland and its importance in Europe will be a significant subject of the conference, as well as situation in some of the most stricken by the crisis south-european countries.
ASKO EUROPA-STIFTUNG, Saarbrücken; Centre international de formation européenne, Nizza/Berlin;
Deutsch-Französisches Institut, Ludwigsburg ; Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l'Homme, Paris; Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin.
Institute for Western Affairs is a partner of the conference.