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Pol-Int: a new online academic platform for Polish studies

European University Viadrina has launched a new platform – Polish-Studies.Interdisciplinary ( – to promote networking and the exchange of expertise in the Polish studies academic community. The partner of the project is the Institute for Western Affairs.

Launched in May, Polish-Studies. Interdisciplinary (Pol-Int) is the first online platform for academic information and international exchanges in Polish studies. Pol-Int enables students, academics, researchers and journalists with an interests in Poland to exchange ideas and information across boarders and disciplines.

The platform offers relevant information in German, Polish and English from the area of Polish studies: latest publications, reviews, jobs and funding opportunities, conference announcements as well as reports and call for papers. Pol-Int allows researchers to discuss, present ongoing projects, and find project partners. Institutions from all over the world having Polish studies in focus can now introduce to each other and engage in dialogue.

Link to the platform

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640