Republika Federalna Niemiec 20 lat po zjednoczeniu. Polityka – Gospodarka – Społeczeństwo(The Federal Republic of Germany Twenty Years after Reunification. Policy -Economy- Society)
The series of publications presents various processes taking place in the united Germany and the Polish-German relations from 1990 to 2010.
Monographs are divided into two main thematic blocks: the first the united Germany concerning foreign policy, the most important problems which the contemporary German economy is facing and the internal political, social and cultural changes connected with reunification; the other one Germany's attitude towards Poland concerning Polish-German relations during last two decades and the Polish -German economic, social and cultural cooperation.
Volumes 1-7 are available at discount prices at the bookstore of the Institute.
In the series: Republika Federalna Niemiec 20 lat po zjednoczeniu. Polityka - gospodarka społeczeństwo (The Federal Republic of Germany Twenty Years after Reunification. Policy -Economy- Society) the following publications have been published so far:
Volume 0: Moje Niemcy - moi Niemcy. Odpominania polskie (My Germany - my Germans. Polish Reverie about the Past), edited by Hubert Orłowski, Poznań 2009;
Volume 1: Polityka zagraniczna zjednoczonych Niemiec (The Foreign Policy of United Germany) by Jadwiga Kiwerska, Bogdan Koszel, Maria Tomczak, Stanisław Żerko, Poznań 2011;
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Volume 2: Gospodarka Niemiecka 20 lat po zjednoczeniu (German Economy Twenty Years after Reunification), edited by Tomasz Budnikowski, Poznań 2011;
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Volume 3: Stosunki gospodarcze między Polską a Niemcami 20 lat po zjednoczeniu (Economic Relations between Poland and Germany Twenty Years after Reunification), edited by Piotr Kalka, Poznań 2012;
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Volume 4: Niemiecka polityka wobec Polski 1990-2010 (German Policy toward Poland 1990 - 2010), by Bogdan Koszel, Krzysztof Malinowski, Zbigniew Mazur, Poznań 2012;
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Volume 5: Kultura zjednoczonych Niemiec. Wybrane problemy (The Culture of United Germany) by Zbigniew Mazur, Hubert Orłowski, Maria Wagińska-Mazur, Poznań 2013;
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Volume 6: Niemcy po zjednoczeniu. Społeczeństwo - wielokulturowość - religie (Germany after reunification. Society - Multiculturalism - Religions) by Joanna Dobrowolska-Polak, Natalia Jackowska, Michał Nowosielski, Marcin Tujdowski, Poznań 2013;
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Volume 7: Polsko-niemieckie stosunki społeczne i kulturalne (Polish- German societal and cultural relationships), edited by Andrzej Sakson,Poznań 2013;
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