Rozchodzenie się dwóch światów? Stany Zjednoczone i relacje transatlantyckie 1989-2012.(The Ramification of Two Worlds? The United States and the Transatlantic Relations 1989-2012)
We would like to present Prof Jadwiga Kiwerska's (research fellow of the Institute for Western Affairs) new publication entitled: Rozchodzenie się dwóch światów? Stany Zjednoczone i relacje transatlantyckie 1989-2012 (The Ramification of Two Worlds. The United States and the Transatlantic Relations 1989-2012),published by Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje.
The presented book is the first in the Polish historiography which is such an accurate monograph of acts of the relations between the USA and Europe at the turn of the twentieth century. Many factors have been analysed which had the influence on the form of transatlantic configuration. The book includes among others a reflexion concerning the causes and results of changing relations between the USA and Europe. The author concentrates mainly on the policy of the United States, but she also evaluates the activities of the European countries. Prof Kiwerska asks a question about the real possibility to stop the ramification process of both worlds. Their cooperation has been a significant element of global order and a factor of mutual security for last seven decades.
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The presented book is the first in the Polish historiography which is such an accurate monograph of acts of the relations between the USA and Europe at the turn of the twentieth century. Many factors have been analysed which had the influence on the form of transatlantic configuration. The book includes among others a reflexion concerning the causes and results of changing relations between the USA and Europe. The author concentrates mainly on the policy of the United States, but she also evaluates the activities of the European countries. Prof Kiwerska asks a question about the real possibility to stop the ramification process of both worlds. Their cooperation has been a significant element of global order and a factor of mutual security for last seven decades.
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