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The conference "Roads of reconciliation. Twenty years of the Treaty between the Polish Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on good neighborliness and friendly cooperation"

Institute for Western Affairs

invites for the conference organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Roads of reconciliation. Twenty years of the Treaty between the Polish Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on good neighborliness and friendly cooperation

Date: June 9, 2011 (Thursday) at 11.00 am

Place: Institute for Western Affairs, Mostowa 27 Street,
V floor, conference room

What is the current state of Polish-German relations?
Are there a new fields of disputes?
What still unites and what divides Germans and Poles?

The aim of the conference "Roads of reconciliation" is to present Polish-German relations in the last two decades, their changes and growth prospects.
Discussion will also involves the role that the Treaty between the Polish Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on good neighborliness and friendly cooperation, signed on 17 June 1991 has played in the Polish-German relations.

Detailed program attached.

Honorary Patrons: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Marshal of Wielkopolska Marek Wozniak, President of Poznan, Ryszard Grobelny.

Media Patrons: Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy, Deutsche Welle, Der Tagesspiegel,,

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640