The new issue of “Przegląd Zachodni”
We would like to present a new issue of "Przegląd Zachodni'' entitled: ”Przeszłość – pamięć – teraźniejszość” ( The Past – Memory – the Present No.2/2014).
The issue includes among others:
- Jerzy Kałążny, Who Owns History? Reflections of a Literary Scholar
- Julita Makaro, The Memory of Neighbouring Nations. On the Exhibition “Side by Side. Poland-Germany. 1000 Years of Art and History”
- Ernest Kuczyński, Against Forgetfulness. Jürgen Fuchs and Memory of the Second German Dictatorship
- Pierre-Frédéric Weber, On Changes in Official Memory in Europe after 1989. The State and Remembrance in Poland and France
- Jolanta Mikołajczyk, Protection of Graves of War Victims as a Component of State-Led Policy of Remebrance. Legal Grounds and Examples of Realization
- Dariusz Łukasiewicz, Which Mentality: Prussian, Bourgeois, Protestant or Capitalist? Prussia 1806-1871
- Tadeusz Kotłowski, The Problem of German Reparations after the First World War
- Dariusz Jeziorny, The International Significance of Austria under Chancellor Karl Renner in the Assessment of Polish Diplomacy
- Katarzyna Jedynakiewicz-Mróz, The Origin and Circumstances of the Formation of the “Freies Deutschland” Movement among German Prisoners of War in the USSR (1941-1943)
- Marek Andrzejewski, From the History of the German National Anthem
- Bohdan Piętka, Prisoners with a Pink Triangle in KL Auschwitz
- Agnieszka Dylewska, Dagmar Leupold’s Novel “Nach den Kriegen” as the Sphere between Newly Found Identity and Memory
- Michał Siekierka, Political Memory versus Social Memory in the Shaping of Polish-Ukrainian Relations after 1991
- Monika Wójcik-Żołądek, From Königsberg to Kaliningrad. City Names as Places of Memory
- Małgorzata Praczyk, Copying of les Lieux de mémoire. The case of Poznań 1956 Protests Memorial
- Łukasz Skoczylas, The Re/Building of the Royal Castle in Poznań and the Dispute over Poznań’s Social Memory
Link to the chosen article
Website of “Przegląd Zachodni”