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The new issue of “Przegląd Zachodni”

We would like to present a new issue of "Przegląd Zachodni'' entitled: ”Przeszłość – pamięć – teraźniejszość” ( The Past – Memory – the Present No.2/2014).

The issue includes among others:

  • Jerzy Kałążny, Who Owns History? Reflections of a Literary Scholar
  • Julita Makaro, The Memory of Neighbouring Nations. On the Exhibition “Side by Side. Poland-Germany. 1000 Years of Art and History”
  • Ernest Kuczyński, Against Forgetfulness. Jürgen Fuchs and Memory of the Second German Dictatorship
  • Pierre-Frédéric Weber, On Changes in Official Memory in Europe after 1989. The State and Remembrance in Poland and France
  • Jolanta Mikołajczyk, Protection of Graves of War Victims as a Component of State-Led Policy of Remebrance. Legal Grounds and Examples of Realization
  • Dariusz Łukasiewicz, Which Mentality: Prussian, Bourgeois, Protestant or Capitalist? Prussia 1806-1871
  • Tadeusz Kotłowski, The Problem of German Reparations after the First World War
  • Dariusz Jeziorny, The International Significance of Austria under Chancellor Karl Renner in the Assessment of Polish Diplomacy
  • Katarzyna Jedynakiewicz-Mróz, The Origin and Circumstances of the Formation of the “Freies Deutschland” Movement among German Prisoners of War in the USSR (1941-1943)
  • Marek Andrzejewski, From the History of the German National Anthem
  • Bohdan Piętka, Prisoners with a Pink Triangle in KL Auschwitz
  • Agnieszka Dylewska, Dagmar Leupold’s Novel “Nach den Kriegen” as the Sphere between Newly Found Identity and Memory
  • Michał Siekierka, Political Memory versus Social Memory in the Shaping of Polish-Ukrainian Relations after 1991
  • Monika Wójcik-Żołądek, From Königsberg to Kaliningrad. City Names as Places of Memory
  • Małgorzata Praczyk, Copying of les Lieux de mémoire. The case of Poznań 1956 Protests Memorial
  • Łukasz Skoczylas, The Re/Building of the Royal Castle in Poznań and the Dispute over Poznań’s Social Memory


Link to the chosen article

Website of “Przegląd Zachodni”

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640