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Documenta Occupationis of the Institute for Western Affairs, vols. I-VIII

Documenta Occupationis of the Institute for Western Affairs, vols. I-VIII

The aim of the project is to translate into English and publish in an electronic format the first eight volumes in the Institute’s publishing series “Documenta Occupationis”, as published since 1945. The indirect aim is to disseminate the achievements of the Polish humanities community and, in this particular case, disseminate the outcomes of research on the German occupation carried out at the Institute for Western Affairs.

Volume I

A journal entitled “Die Bedeutung des Polen – Problems für die Rüstungswirtschaft Oberschlesiens“ (The Significance of the Polish Problem for the Armaments Industry of Upper Silesia) issued by Oberschlesisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (The Upper Silesian Institute for Economic Research)

by Karol Marian Pospieszalski

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1945

Volume II

“German Crimes in Warsaw - 1944: Testimony – Photos” 

by Edward Serwański, Irena Trawińska; foreword by Zygmunt Wojciechowski

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1946.

Volume III

“The Memories of Wielkopolska Youth under the German Occupation in 1939 – 1945”

By Zdzisław Grot, Wincenty Ostrowski

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1946

Volume IV

“The German People’s List in the Reichsgau Wartheland: Selected documents with summaries in Polish and French”

by Karol Marian Pospieszalski.

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1949

Volume V

“Nazi Occupation Law in Poland: Selected Documents” 

Part. 1, “The Incorporated Territories” by Karol Marian Pospieszalski 

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1952

Volume VI 

“Nazi Occupation Law in Poland: selected documents”

Part 2, “General Governorate: Selected documents and attempted summary”

by Karol Marian Pospieszalski. 

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1958

Volume VII

“The case of 58 000 Volksdeutsche: an investigation into Nazi claims regarding losses among the German minority in Poland before and during the September campaign”

by Karol Maria Pospieszalski

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1959

Volume VIII

“Expulsions of Polish civilians in the territories incorporated into the Reich. 1939 – 1945. Sources selected and edited by Czesław Łuczak” 

Poznań Institute for Western Affairs, 1969



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the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640