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Ongoing projects

Research Program for Western and Northern Territories

Research Program for Western and Northern Territories
  • Manager: dr Marcin Tujdowski
  • Financing institution: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
  • Implementation period: 2016

Project description:

The Research Program for Western and Northern Territories conducted by the Wrocław Center for “Remembrance and Future” will be conducted in cooperation with specialized research institutes dealing with the so called western affairs, including: Instytut Śląski (the Silesian Institute) of Opole, Ośrodek Badań Naukowych im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego (the Wojciech Kętrzyński Center for Research) of Olsztyn and the Zygmunt Wojciechowski Institute for Western Affairs of Poznań. The Program will be funded by a grant from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

The program’s aim is to conduct and disseminate the outcomes of multi-pronged studies on the history and present day of territories incorporated into Poland in the wake of World War II.
In particular, the studies will focus on:
long-term state policies on the Western and Northern Territories, i.e. the former German territories incorporated into Poland in 1945;
long-term cultural and social collaboration and relations between such territories and other parts of Poland;
national, cultural, linguistic and religious issues in such territories;
research on present developments and growth trends;
research on collective memories.

Project outcome:

The research to be carried out in the Program will produce approximately 100 published academic texts annually (articles, edited sources, studies, reviews, discussions and study reports), which are to be made available in the public domain with unrestricted access.

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the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640