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Bulletin of the Institute for Western Affairs, ed. 2 (457): China in Central and Eastern Europe: a debate in the wake of the 17+1 summit

Bulletin of the Institute for Western Affairs, ed. 2 (457)/2020: Tomasz Morozowski „China in Central and Eastern Europe: a debate in the wake of the 17+1 summit”

The 17+1 summit of February 9, 2021 showed that Beijing continues to appreciate the initiative as highly valuable, recognizing its considerable strategic potential. Meanwhile though, its European partners have lost some of their initial interest and commitment to the 17+1, largely as a result of their growing disappointment with its effectiveness. In addition, the involvement of selected European countries in cooperation with China within the 17+1 framework has long been raising concerns and fueling fears over the damage it does to the unity of the European Union. On realizing that the balance of the outcomes of the February summit was negative and that the future of the initiative itself hung in the balance, the EU member states felt incentivized to revise their perceptions. This applies to both the countries of the format and those who have never joined it. In the meantime, the EU institutions have changed their view of the initiative, deeming its aim to be to define the best use of the capacity of the 17+1 for formulating a coherent EU policy towards China.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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