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No. 140 - There is going to be a new coalition. The German political scene following the Bundestag election of September 22, 2013

‘Institute for Western Affairs’ Bulletin (No.140/2013) Dr Piotr Kubiak ,‘There is going to be a new coalition. The German political scene following the Bundestag election of September 22, 2013.'

The elections on 22 September 2013 to the eighteenth-term Bundestag were successful won by CDU/CSU, which received 41,5% of the votes and outdistanced other parties. Although the majority of the German society would see willingly the reactivation of the great coalition CDU/CSU-SPD, the Social Democrats are afraid of re-entrance to the government with the Christian Democrats. In the background of the Bundestag’s elections the elections to Landesbundestag were held in Bavaria (September 15) and Hessia (September 22) where there will be also the change of their governments.


·         No 140 Polish version (Acrobat: pdf 236 KB)

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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