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No. 147 - Role of the minimum wage in post-electoral coalition talks in Germany

‘Institute for Western Affairs' Bulletin (No.147/2013) Prof. Tomasz Budnikowski, ‘Role of the minimum wage in post-electoral coalition talks in Germany'

Statements made in the coalition talks suggest surprising willingness on the part of Christian Democrat politicians to make far-reaching concessions to their coalition partner. Contrary to pre-election promises, Angela Merkel's team are prepared to accept, among others, the prescribed SPD-promoted quota of women on the supervisory boards of German companies listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange and make gradual concessions towards increasing the retirement age. Especially noteworthy is the "softening" of Christian Democrats' position on one of Social Democrats' flagship electoral postulates, which is to adopt a minimum wage country-wide.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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