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No. 148 - Views and Attitudes of the Polish Community and Poles Living Abroad on the Policy Towards Polish Expatriate Communities

‘Institute for Western Affairs' Bulletin (No.148/2013): Anna Fiń, Agnieszka Legut, Witold Nowak, Michał Nowosielski, Kamila Schöll-Mazurek, "Views and Attitudes of the Polish Community and Poles Living Abroad on the Policy Towards Polish Expatriate Communities"

The current tenets of the policy on Polish expatriate communities, which place considerable emphasis on links between such policy on the one hand and national interests and state institutions on the other, define the Polish government and, more specifically, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not only as a coordinator but also as a central player in this realm. Studies show that the role of the state in pursuing the policy on Polish expatriate communities is best described as one of coordination and support. Such a role should center on ensuring a proper environment (financial, legal, diplomatic and organizational) to maximize the potential and resources of the Polish diaspora.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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