No 51 – „Expellees” Day
In the act dated 10th February 2011, Bundestag demands to establish in the Federal Republic of Germany a national day to commemorate harms of German "victims" of the Second World War - Germans who has been expelled from Poland and Czech Republic after the Second World War. A date for this special day was chosen intentionally. The anniversary of enacting "Stuttgart Charter" - a expellees constitution - by Bund der Vertriebenen ("Expellees Association) occurs on the 5th August.
In Bundestag, the "Charter" was named one of "the founding documents of the Federal Republic of Germany". However, a number of its statements is still controversial because of contained arogance and ethnocentrism, for example German declaration (1950) of renunciation of vengeance, overall omission Germans' damages on European countries, considering German "expelles" as "the most harmed".
Bundestag makes aditional demands on federal government: to support reasearch on east cultural heritage, to accelerate the work of the Flight-Expulsion-Reconciliation Foundation to open a permanent exhibition about "expulsions", a special memory place of victims of flight and "expulsion".
Acceptance of the "Charter's" and - indirectly - Bundestag's pseudo-reconciliation conception means a overturn of the bases of Polich-German relations.