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No 95 - 'Stiftung Flucht Vertreibung Versöhnung: the concept of action and permanent exposition'

Institute for Western Affairs' Bulletin (No 95/2012): Prof. Zbigniew Mazur, 'Stiftung Flucht Vertreibung Versöhnung: the concept of action and permanent  exposition'

On 25 June 2012, the Council of the Escape, Expulsion, Reconciliation Foundation adopted a concept of action and permanent exposition prepared after long debates of science advisors, including two Polish historians. In comparison to the previous concepts, certain expressions were given up and some new elements were introduced. However, the whole concept still revolves around the "great story" about the "harm and infringement" inflicted on the German people as a result of the strive of Poles and Czechs to create nationally homogeneous states. The concept was approved by the Bund der Vertriebenen and did not cause any opposition in Germany and Poland.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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