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No.145 - Tadeusz Mazowiecki in memoriam

‘Institute for Western Affairs' Bulletin (No.145/2013) N. Jackowska, ‘Tadeusz Mazowiecki in memoriam'

Tadeusz Mazowiecki's historical significance is a combination of fundamental decisions which gave rise to the restructuring of Poland's political and economic system and of his international endeavors lastingly to secure Poland's national interests in a volatile external environment. His accomplishments were by no means limited to the time following 1989. Tadeusz Mazowiecki's ideology, which had evolved since the post-World-War-II period, and the experience he had amassed, bear testimony to a whole era in Polish history and have laid the foundation for views and actions which allowed him to become an architect of Polish-German reconciliation and an advocate of true European unity.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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