Monographs and collective works
A bliźniego swego... Kościoły w Niemczech wobec "problemu żydowskiego"
Anna Wolff-Powęska
A bliźniego swego... Kościoły w Niemczech wobec "problemu żydowskiego"
(And the fellow man ... Churches in Germany and the "Jewish problem").
Poznań 2003, ISBN 83-87688-43-6, approximately 350 pages, in preparation.
cena: 35 zł, zamawiam
The book focuses on the way Jews were treated and seen by Evangelical and Catholic Church clergy and the Christian community in 20th century Germany, mainly under the totalitarian rule of the Nazis. A far-reaching attempt to depict the historical evolution of the approach that representatives of German churches (from high-ranking and rank-and-file clergy to average church members) adopted on the "Jewish issue" has been intended not as much to excuse or condemn such people but rather to shed light on and explain the historical developments. A good understanding of these highly complex and controversial issues has been facilitated by providing a broad historical background and references to numerous sources.