Monographs and collective works
Encyklopedia konspiracji wielkopolskiej 1939-1945
pod redakcją Mariana Woźniaka
(Encyclopedia of Conspiracy in Great Poland 1939-1945)
ISBN 83-85003-97-5 maps, index, 818 pp
cena: nakład wyczerpany
A compendium of information on the organisational structures of the Polish Underground State in Great Poland in 1939-1945 after the territory's incorporation into the Reich. The book, which has been based on thorough research into sources, has aroused controversy because it disputes some current opinions. The encyclopedia has 1213 entries which describe the occupation system in the Wartheland, the conspiratorial organisations and thei territorial cells, the clandestine press and the methods used by the secret organisations; it also contains biographies of the soldiers and members of Great Poland's conspiratorial organisations, even those active in other Polish regions. The book is furbished with a bibliography, maps, schematic diagrams of the organisations and an index of persons.