Monographs and collective works
Kultura bezpieczeństwa narodowego w Polsce i Niemczech
Krzysztof Malinowski (ed.)
Kultura bezpieczeństwa narodowego w Polsce i Niemczech
(The culture of national security in Poland and Germany)
Poznań 2003, ISBN 83-87688-40-1, German-language summary, 312 pages, price: PLN 29
cena: 29 zł, zamawiam
This latest publication of the Institute for Western Affairs describes the key tenets of the Polish and German security policy at the turn of the century. The countries' cultural and historical backgrounds serve as a starting point for the discussion. Descriptions are provided of some of the challenges faced in the international arena following the end of the Cold War and of the European security institutions (CSCE/OSCE, NATO) and their evolution. The historical experience of individual countries not only affects the way security is perceived but also strongly influences the outcomes of political elections. There is little doubt that history has had a more powerful effect on Poland and Germany than on any other European states and that it has taken a deep root in the public's collective consciousness. The book also contains more general theoretical discussions of the notion of national security and its particular brand: strategic culture.