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Przegląd Zachodni

PZ 2017 I: Germany and Europe - History and the Present

  • Binding: paperback
  • Author: collective work
  • Publisher: Instytut Zachodni
  • PL ISSN: ISSN 0033-2437
  • Publication date: 28 June 2017
  • Number: I/2017
  • Number of pages: 340
  • Size: A5

The special forthcoming issue of the Western Review in English is an invitation to foreign readers wishing to read a selection of works presented in the pages of the journal of the Western Institute in Poznan. The journal, which has had the slogan Poland-Germany-Europe for decades, is interdisciplinary in nature and publishes works by authors from various research institutions.

The studies presented in this anthology, originally published in Polish in four issues of the journal published in 2015, are united by the theme of the history of the last century, the memory of it and the permanence of the aftermath of its landmark events, and the clues that flow from it. The often neglected teacher of life - history magistra vitae - remains the foundation for understanding the dynamics of the processes taking place in modern states, the problems and dilemmas of the Polish-German neighborhood and the dialogue determining European transformations up to the present day. Beginning with the attempts of the European powers to deal with the consequences of World War I and the forms of international intellectual cooperation at the time, through initiatives relating to borders and property after the next Great War, to the issues of restitution and (re)construction of cultural resources and identity transformations adequate to the sophistication of contemporary integration processes - the inevitable influence of the past is discernible in all the topics covered.

The collected articles lead through the complexities of the 20th century to the contemporary dilemmas of the system, politics and international relations. Today's Europe expects and requires the courage to take a new look at each of these spheres, their goals, methods of implementation and defining the basic terms in the dictionary of dialogue, dispute and, unfortunately, conflict. Thus, while history remains the key to understanding contemporary attitudes, consciousness, culture and memory, it is complemented by careful observation of ongoing transformations.

The publication of the English-language issue of "Western Review" is financed under contract 729/P-DUN/2016 with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education earmarked for science dissemination activities.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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61-854 Poznań
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