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PZ 2017 II: Wielkopolska and Europe – Memory and Identity

PZ 2017 II: Wielkopolska and Europe – Memory and Identity
  • Binding: paperback
  • Author: collective work
  • Publisher: Instytut Zachodni
  • PL ISSN: ISSN 0033-2437
  • Publication date: 29 December 2017
  • Number: II/2017
  • Number of pages: 297
  • Size: A5

We are pleased to bring to readers another special issue of the journal Western Review in English. It contains an anthology of studies that originally appeared in four consecutive issues of the Western Institute's quarterly over the course of 2016. The selected articles are presented in chronological order, and a special place among them is occupied by treatises on Wielkopolska, its cultural heritage, history and contemporary social analysis. This is because the journal, which has been published in Poznań for more than seventy years, is inextricably linked to the region, which, open to Western Europe, has throughout history succumbed to influences that threatened its identity, but was also able to draw from it ideas, strategies and patterns of activity that still constitute its specificity today.

The authors of the following dissertations write from a broader perspective about the meanders of identity formation, memory and collective consciousness, as well as the political instrumentalization of sports events. A significant part of the volume is filled with articles on individual European countries and the European Union in historical, social, political and legal contexts. The selection presented here reflects the diversity of topics undertaken in the pages of the journal of the Western Institute, which for years has been guided by the slogan Poland-Germany-Europe. The interdisciplinary nature of the published dissertations makes it possible to appreciate the complexity of the problems and contexts that historically formed the Old Continent, and without knowledge of which it is impossible today to undertake in-depth analyses of possible future scenarios. Human rights, population policy or the current dilemmas of Great Britain are examples of the very current topics that make up the European mosaic.

Unique in the published volume is the mention of Professor Zbigniew Mazur - historian and researcher of Polish-German relations and the Western and Northern Territories. His significant scientific achievements and numerous publications are a characteristic feature of the research profile of the Poznan Western Institute, with which he associated his entire life and scientific activity.

The publication of the English-language issue of "Western Review" is financed under contract 729/P-DUN/2016 with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education earmarked for science dissemination activities.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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