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PZ 2018: Europe and Its Traditions – a New Outlook

PZ 2018: Europe and Its Traditions –  a New Outlook
  • Binding: paperback
  • Author: collective work
  • Publisher: Instytut Zachodni
  • PL ISSN: 0033-2437
  • Publication date: 31 January 2019
  • Number: 2018
  • Number of pages: 315
  • Size: A5

The next special issue of the Western Institute's journal in English contains a selection of articles from the journal's year-long 2017 edition.

The articles presented in the first part of the anthology relate to the affairs of Europe and the experiences of its individual countries, and are bound together by threads of currently taking place processes and new phenomena. Examples of the changing situation of the family, the voice of young voters, immigration or such a special form of identity as memory determine everyday realities and indicate the need for consistency of practiced policy and legislated law with the subjective needs of individuals and communities.

The second part of the volume is filled with historical studies and papers. Inspired primarily by the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, they also reflect researchers' interests in the role of women in society, culture or confessional communities. They can be treated, like the dissertations on the historian of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or the émigré publicist, as elements of a rich mosaic of the past consisting of images of the history of regions, "small homelands" or institutions and organizations.

1. Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse - The Crisis of European Integration in the Light of the Theories of Arnold Toynbee

2. Magdalena Szyszko - Central Banking after the Experiences of 2007-2016: Is there Room for Strategic Change?

3. Tomasz Nieborak - Soft Lex, sed Lex? On New Regulatory Instruments for the EU Financial Market

4.  Katarzyna Gelles - Teen Voters: The Austrian Experience

5. Magdalena Karolak-Michalska - On the Ethnopolitics of Modern East European States: Culturally and Ethnically Heterogenous

6. Grażyna Firlit-Fesnak - The Place of the Family in the Public Order in Modern Europe. Old Contexts, New Challenges

7. Dorota Masiakowska-Osses - Immigration: A New Perspective in German Cultural Memory

8. Katarzyna Woniak - Former Polish Forced Workers in Today’s Memory Landscape: Almost Forgotten

9. Andrzej Denka - Some Remarks on Intercultural German Studies, the Hermeneutics of Otherness and the Conflict of Cultures on Reading the Essays of Botho Strauss

10. Wacław Pagórski - The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Works of Martin Zeiller (1589-1661)

11. Jarosław Nikodem - The Hussite Movement: A Forerunner of the Reformation or Its First Phase?

12. Jerzy Strzelczyk - Women at the Cradle of the Reformation: Some Examples of Literary Involvement

13. Katarzyna Jedynakiewicz-Mróz - Reflections on the Involvement of Women in the Democratic Opposition in the Late East Germany (1981-1989)

14. Magdalena Sacha - Bible, Gown, Harmonium... The Memory of Protestantism at Museums in Masuria

15. Daria Klich, OSU - The History of the Ursulines and Their Schools in Lower Silesia

16. Krzysztof Tarka - Germany, Russia and the Polish Cause in Jędrzej Giertych’s Articles in the Parisian Monthly Horyzonty (1956-1971)

The publication of the English-language issue of the Western Review was financed under contract 709/P-DUN/2018 with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for science dissemination activities.

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